Going to university is always beneficial for your career, but can be difficult with some financial barriers. To help cover the cost of tuition, Nottingham Trent University offers an academic scholarship for all international students who wish to pursue a degree at the university.
Nottingham Trent University’s scholarship program is available to international applicants who are talented, ambitious, and seeking a degree for the 2021/2022 academic year.
Nottingham Trent University was founded in 1843 and has the most magnificent buildings and advanced infrastructure. It has the desire to empower students with skills and knowledge that would enhance their careers and lives more effectively.
Deadline for the scholarship: February 17, 2021.
- Organization: Nottingham Trent University
- Department: Not specified
- Degree: Undergraduate
- Scholarship Award: 50% of tuition in first year, £2,000 in subsequent years
- Number of Awards: Not stated
- Mode of entry: Online
- Nationality: International
- The scholarship is available in the UK.
Nottingham Trent University offers 50% of tuition fees in the first year, £2,000 for subsequent years for the international students.
How to apply
To apply, applicants must gain admission to Nottingham Trent University. Then complete the online application form.
- Supporting Documents: Applicants must submit the following documents: Pr-qualification degree, copies of academic transcripts and award, certificates of English language proficiency, a statement, a copy of passport.
- Admission Requirements: Applicants must meet the university’s admission requirements for admission.
- Language Requirement: Students whose native language is not English are expected to pass a recognized English language examination (such as IELTS) with an acceptable score before registering for an academic course.
Qualifications for the scholarship
- Eligible Countries: applications are accepted from all over the world.
- Eligible Subject: Undergraduate course in any subject offered by the university.
- Eligibility Criteria: To be eligible, applicants must meet all of the following/specified criteria:
- Students must be international citizens.
- Must have high school transcripts with a good academic record.